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Free Fire Tournament Registration 2024, [FFCEL Session 1]

FREE FIRE COMMUNITY ESPORT LEAGUE Free Fire Tournament Registration 2024, [FFCEL Session 1]

Free Fire Community Esport League

Free Fire Community is thrilled to announce its upcoming tournament league session, aptly named the “Free Fire Community Esport League (simply FFCEL)” This event presents a golden opportunity for players to showcase their skills, experience, and prowess on the battlefield. Don’t let this chance slip away!

Eligibility Criteria and Game Structure:

  1. Minimum Level Requirement: To participate in the tournament, players must have achieved a minimum level of 30 (In-Game Level – IGL).
  2. Device Requirements: Players are expected to possess a capable device or PC with sufficient processing power and RAM. For Android or iPhone devices, the RAM should be a minimum of 4GB, while for PCs and desktops, it should be at least 6GB. Note: We strongly advise players to ensure they have a smooth gaming experience by meeting the device requirements and refrain from using device limitations as an excuse.
  3. Punctuality: Timeliness is crucial in maintaining the integrity of the tournament. All participants must be punctual and ready to join their matches at the designated times.
  4. Form a Squad: Players are encouraged to team up and create a squad for a more enjoyable and coordinated gaming experience.


Although the Free Fire Community Test League is a test match series, it offers enticing rewards for the winners, including:

  • 1st Prize🏆
  • 2nd Prize🏆
  • 3rd Prize🏆‎
  • Google Play Redeem Code
  • Free Fire Tournament Certificate (FFCEL)
  • Membership in India’s Official FFC Guild: Winners will gain exclusive access to the Free Fire Community’s official guild, providing a platform to connect with other skilled players.
  • 100 FFC Points: Worth 100 INR, these points can be utilized for various in-game purchases, enhancing your gaming experience.

Tournament Rules:

To ensure a fair and competitive environment, participants are expected to abide by the following rules:

  1. No Teaming: Players must refrain from teaming up with others outside their designated squads during matches. Violation of this rule will result in disqualification from the next round.
  2. Zero Tolerance for Cheating: The usage of hacks, cheats, or any unfair advantages is strictly prohibited and will lead to immediate disqualification.
  3. Individual Free Fire Accounts: Every player in a team must have their own Free Fire account, promoting a level playing field.
  4. Age Requirement: Participants must be at least 12 years old to join the tournament.
  5. Technical Responsibility: Players are responsible for their own hardware and network issues.
  6. Account Sharing Prohibited: Participants must not share or use another person’s Free Fire account. Each account should be used exclusively by its owner.

Game Structure:

Tournament is based on the Kill Points and Booyah Points.

Per Kill = 1 Points

On Booyah = 10 Points

Points = All Team Players Points

The tournament will be divided into three rounds:

Round 1 – Classic (Bermuda): 12 Team will play 3 times, and Top 6 Team will be Selected for Next Round according to their Points.

Round 2 – Classic (Purgatory): The selected teams from the first round will compete in randomly matched battles.

Round 3 – Classic (Bermuda): The winners of the second round will face off against the remaining top 3 teams from the first round. The victorious team will be crowned as the ultimate champion!

Please note that the exact schedule and structure of the rounds will be determined base d on the number of players registered for the tournament.

How to register for a free fire tournament

Here is explained an easy Step to Register for Tournament in 2023

  1. Go to the Registration Link (Google Forms)
  2. Enter Your General Details
  3. Enter Your Team Details
  4. Enter Your Payment Details like Payment Succeed Screenshot to Upload their
  5. Then You get a Participation Certificate on your Email Instantly after Form Submission.
  6. For more details you can watch this tutorial video:
Youtube Video from Free Fire Community Channel (Owned)
Arrows down animated Free Fire Tournament Registration 2024, [FFCEL Session 1]

Note: Open the Registration Form in Chrome or other External Browser, Otherwise Its requires Google Login.

For those interested in participating or seeking further information, please feel free to contact us at [email protected] or Get support with So…

Join the “Free Fire Community Esport League Session-1” and let your skills shine on the battleground. The thrill of competition awaits, so gear up and get ready for an unforgettable experience!

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  1. I wanna play national
    And I want all bundels but I don’t have money to pay

  2. #

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